Thursday, April 12, 2012

Fears vs Dreams

The other day, I was on my Twitter account and I saw something that caught my eye. You see, I follow To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA)and they were asking people to tweet their fears and their dreams. If you don't know much about TWLOHA, they are a non-profit organization that helps people who are struggling in different ways. I've never gotten to that point, but I've known people & after doing my own research, I support and agree with TWLOHA & their campaign, "Love is the Movement".

to write love on her arms Pictures, Images and Photos
love is the movement Pictures, Images and Photos

As I said above, I did what they asked and I tweeted myself:

@xo_livvie_xo: My biggest fear is never amounting up to anything. My biggest dream is to inspire people to follow their hearts. #fearsvsdreams #twloha

However, there was much more I wanted to say, but the fact that I am only given 140 characters to tweet, I figured I'd turn to my blog & ramble a little again, since has been awhile since I've added another entry.

So here they are my...

My I tweeted, I fear I will never amount to anything. I worry that I may never get the degree that I want or that I'm just wasting money that my family needs. I fear losing people that I love. I fear losing my best friend. I fear not being able to be enough when someone needs my help. I fear that I will never be good enough. I have nightmares about people that I love walking out of my life & never seeing any of them again. Too many times lately, I've woken from a deep slumber breathing heavy as I recall the nightmare of watching my parents leave, my best friend leave...and it scares me. I guess most of all, I fear being alone forever.

My I tweeted, I dream to inspire people to follow their hearts. I want people to follow their hearts & achieve their dreams. Some people have already told me that my relationship has inspired them, and I guess that's one step towards my dream. I dream to be successful, but to me being successful does not mean rich. I want to be able to live comfortably with my future husband & our children. I dream to be a nurse and help children feel better when they are sick.

Sometimes we may feel as if our fears outweigh our dreams, but in the truth that's not true. Our dreams outweigh our fears. I mean sure, fears tend to hover in our minds more, but our dreams are always in our hearts. Our hearts are what helps us live. The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you die a little.

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